Friday 11 July 2014


Products and care substances that are used to enhance the appearance or odour of the human body are called cosmetics.

Cosmetics are mainly applied by people to promote attractiveness so that one looks more appealing than in their actual appearance. It alters a person's overall appearance.
Cosmetics can be derived from natural as well as synthetic sources.
There are various cosmetic brands available in market depending on there application type and structure. People are ready to spend any amount on cosmetics irrespective of any brand.
All types of cosmetics and make up should be removed before going to bed for sleep. Especially eye make up should be removed before sleeping. Many of the chemicals get accumulated in our skin and mostly gets suppressed beneath the skin. Therefore cosmetics should be applied in moderation.
There are also certain harmful effects of using cosmetics, such as:
-High dependency on cosmetics:
Some people can't do without cosmetics, mostly women. They find it so important that, it becomes highly impossible for them to step out of their house without it. This high dependency and over use can prove to be harmful for skin and health.
-Hair problems:
Use of shampoos, conditioners, hair serums, hair colour, blow driers, straightening equipments can all prove to have an adverse effect on hair growth. Long term usage of these products may result in scalp and skin damage or even the permanent discolouration of hair.
-Threat to reproductive life:
The use of certain oils and cosmetics containing parabens or perfumes containing phthalate, when comes in direct contact with the skin can lead to infertility and other related reproductive problems. As they may penetrate deep inside the skin and tissues causing it to get affected easily.
Nowadays, anti-ageing creams and lotions are available to help you get rid of wrinkles and other signs of ageing. The cosmetic makers and manufacturers are making huge money out of it by providing a temporary satisfaction to the customers.
-Harm to eyes, nails:
Applying nail polish frequently, may damage the natural texture of your nails. It may become fragile and loose its naturality. Same as the case with the usage of eye-liner and mascara which can damage the eyelashes and the overall health of the eye. All eye make ups should be removed just before going to bed otherwise it may lead to itching and other eye-infections.
Women are more exposed to chemicals in household cleaners, cosmetics and other such external sources. Chemicals have been linked to more than 200 health problems which comprises of asthma, depression and even cancers. Other serious health issues such as reproductive and cardiovascular diseases can also occur. The harmful particles and chemicals in cosmetics get accumulated over time to cause health problems after years of gradual exposure.
Sharing make-up can also lead to serious problems. Before every application of make-up and cosmetics, your hands should be washed and dried properly to help prevent infections. Choose the product from the market which are tested dermatologicaly before getting circulated. If you have any doubt about the product, you can test it by applying it to a small portion of your skin before opting for regular usage.

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