Tuesday 15 July 2014


For attaining a good health and proper grooming personal hygiene is utmost important. Good looks can only be attained through careful and continuous care, grooming cleanliness, etc.
Many a times people are unaware of their poor hygienic conditions. For example: bad breath, dandruff, etc. In these conditions the person may not feel his own personal ill- hygiene, but his/her associates and counterparts can very well notice that.

Taking proper precautions towards the spread of diseases around you can only be possible through a well organised hygiene and cleanliness pattern. Cleanliness is not only associated with looking and smelling good, but also to carry out oneself with all elementary basics of hygiene.

A person whom we care about may not be having the knowledge on how to keep clean and healthy, in that case we should let them know and make them understand as to how personal cleanliness could be achieved.
Skin  problems, ill-health and other parasitic infections are the ultimate result of poor hygiene.

Some of the grooming routines are as mentioned below:
1. HAIR:
Washing your hair on a daily basis is a must. Hair should be cleaned using a shampoo or a mild soap. Shampoos that contain alkali or ammonia should not be used as it could be harmful for healthy hair growth. It should be well combed and maintained. Hair has to be cleaned from the root to the tip.

2. SKIN:
Soap and water are the primary essentials to keep the skin clean. Bathing should be included in daily activities. Bathing twice a day is the healthiest way of keeping clean. For people who are involved in strenuous activities and athletics should have bath just after their work out sessions. Brushes and scrubbers are also available which could enhance the quality of your bath. Uttermost care has to be given towards cleaning of genitals and anal area as they might get infected more easily.
Underwears and undergarments are supposed to be changed and clean everyday without fail.
A mild moisturising lotion could be used to keep your skin moist and soft.

In a country like India, where most of the people prefer to eat with bare hands, it becomes really a matter of concern that the hands fingers and nails are kept clean. As these are certain areas which is always exposed to dust, germs and other external factors.
Make it a point that the nails are always kept under hygienic conditions with proper care from getting damaged, such as cutting it often whenever the nails tend to grow.
A healthy body ensures healthy nails. Brittle or discoloured nails show up deficiencies or disease conditions.

As far as women  are concerned menstrual hygiene remains in the priority list under cleanliness. Most of the women or almost every woman feels discomfort during the period. It becomes irritable to deal with it. It is required that you should change the sanitary napkins in every four hours during heavy flow days.

Good hygiene should be incorporated in all day to day activities. For example while bathing, while brushing, cleaning etc. Help those learn who know little about cleanliness and its importance.

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