Wednesday 6 August 2014


Garlic has been considered as food as well as medicine from years back on end. Regular consumption of garlic helps to keep away significant health risks. It keeps away the attack of pathogenic microorganisms to a great extend. It offers protection from a wide range of bacteria, fungi and viruses which are even resistant to certain antibiotics such as methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Some studies have showed that garlic inhibits the growth of Helicobacter pylori causing stomach ulcers under lab conditions.
Garlic can be referred as ‘stinking rose’. Crushed garlic releases an enzyme which converts alliin, a sulfur compound into allicin. This allicin is responsible for the unique odor and contributing factor of its healing properties. S-allyl-cystein (SAC) is another sulfur compound found in garlic which demonstrated to fight cancer in lab tests conducted. Studies have shown that garlic can provide protection against colon cancer. Glutathione peroxidase obtained from garlic has the capability to detoxify carcinogens. The mineral Selenium from garlic also helps to act against cancer. Garlic trims down blood fats called triglycerides which is a major reason for heart attack. It even has the ability to prevent blood clots thereby preventing heart failure. It helps to reduce blood sugar levels thereby reducing the chance of diabetes mellitus.
The power of garlic is more when consumed raw. It is believed to contain carbohydrates, dietary fiber, fat and protein. Vitamins like B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, C and certain trace minerals like calcium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, sodium, potassium, etc. are also present in raw garlic. Cooking may reduce its disease preventing ability. The cloves of garlic help to cure digestive problems and fungal contamination such as thrush. It serves the purpose as a disinfectant also since it has the ability to stop bacterial growth. It is also successfully used to cure Cryptosporidiosis, toxoplasmosis, etc. in HIV infected people. In the past, gangrene was treated with garlic especially during war. It is also used for the preservation of fish, meat, fried foods, etc.
Garlic is believed to have many religious uses also. In European countries, white magic is practiced with garlic to render fortification. Muslims are prevented from praying in the mosque after eating garlic. Believers of Jainism think that garlic arouses and warms the body increasing personal cravings. Buddhists usually keep away from garlic as they believe that garlic damages their urge to meditate by arousing sexual cravings and inducing violence in their minds.
Some even think that garlic can keep away mosquitoes. When feeding mothers take in a lot of garlic, the pungent smell has been noticed slightly coming out from babies also. Surface applications to children should not be practiced.
Overuse of garlic is also not good for health. It causes bleeding in pregnant ladies. The allyl methyl sulfide present in garlic cannot be degraded by our body, so it travels through our system and comes out in the form of foul breath. It even creates burns when applied on the surface of the skin when used for treating acne. The method of inserting garlic pieces into the body cavities also should be discouraged. Some people have reported to develop allergic reactions against garlic resulting conditions like irregularities in the menstrual cycle, diarrhea, vomiting, dizziness, nausea and a problematic bowel. 
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