Tuesday 29 July 2014

Coffee and your Health

Few things in life are just irresistible and unavoidable. Most of us begin our day with an energized cup of coffee or tea. For many of us it has become a routine activity to start our day with a bed-coffee.
There are both pros and cons linked with the consumption of coffee. It acts as a protection against metabolic syndrome, helps in losing fats, fights against dementia, etc. Still on the other hand, too much of caffeine (a bitter and crystalline substance present in coffee) intake would prove to be harmful for health. Long and continuous consumption of coffee would result in heart diseases, gastrointestinal issues and even cancer.

Some of the health benefits of having coffee can be listed as follows:

1. Coffee can improve your energy levels:
Coffee comprises of caffeine, which acts as a stimulant that provides energy. As soon as you consume this, it directly goes to your brain through the bloodstream.
It also improves many aspects of brain such as mood, memory levels, general functions, energy levels, etc.
2. Coffee helps you burn fat:
Several studies have proven that intake of coffee would help you burn fats in a great deal. About 3-11% of metabolic rate is boosted up with caffeine consumption.

3. Some essential nutrients are present in coffee:
The final drink of coffee consists of some important nutrients namely Magnesium, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3 and B5 etc. people who consume more than one cup a day gets of these nutrients.

4. Lessens the chances of getting Alzheimer’s disease and dementia:
Apart from consumption of a healthy diet, drinking coffee can definitely contribute to prevent diseases like Alzheimer’s and Dementia at an early stage of its occurrence.
About 65 percent chances of getting this disease gets reduced.

5. Coffee helps fight depression and makes you joyful:
A study reveals that people who drank more of coffee per day had about 20% lower risk of developing depression and other related mental disorders. In the U.S 53% women were less likely to commit suicide who fed on coffee regularly.

6. Coffee drinkers have much less chances of generating cancers and lower evidences have been noticed in the case of heart diseases and strokes.

Along with the advantages there are certain side-effects also due to consumption of coffee:
Having coffee in an empty stomach can lead to production of Hcl (Hydrochloric acid). It is only used for the digestion process. But if excess of this is generated in the body, it might result in having a difficulty to produce Hcl in order to deal with large meals.

More intake of coffee can also generate heart-burn problems and acidity too. In most women, their regular menstruation period also gets affected due to high intake of caffeine. So, it should be always consumed in moderation.
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