Wednesday 30 July 2014


Autism is a behaviorally defined condition and comprises a heterogeneous group of disorders. The disorder can be noted from as early as 23 years of age. Symptoms will include difficulties in language development, difficulty in adapting to new surroundings, poor eye contact, aloofness and repetitive body movements or behavioral patterns. Children with autism differ in abilities intelligence.
Epidemiological research studies have reported a recent upsurge in the prevalence of this condition. But this could also be because of better diagnostic criteria in current practice. Globally, there are no curative medicines available for this condition. Speech therapy, behavior training and dietary modification, are basic aspects of treatment. Management of associated medical problems such as allergic skin reactions, allergic rhinitis, metabolic and endocrine dysfunctions are also required.
The role of parents in management of a disabled child is very important in children with Autism Many parents of kids with autism are working as hard as possible to help their kids achieve as full and independent a life as possible. They are told (correctly) that early intervention and intense therapy are key to their children's success, and often they are able to put all the pieces into place.
Over time, the kids with autism often do improve, overcoming early problems with behaviour and language. They begin to develop basic social skills, and show their abilities in academics or music or other fields. Then, they turn 18 or 21 - and they're still autistic.
While all the work has been fruitful - the children have flourished and done as well as they can - they have not reached that often-described goal of becoming "indistinguishable from typical peers. The fact is that the vast majority of people with autism is and will always be autistic. They may be autistic and talented, kind, intelligent, creative and loving, but they are in fact recognizably different. They may be capable in many different ways, but they do in fact need help with some or many aspects of daily living.
Autism Genome Project, a large research initiative of the National Institute of Health is conducted to find the genes associated with inherited risk for autism. It is designed to enable doctors to biologically diagnose autism and enable researchers to develop universal medical treatments and a cure.
Alternative therapies
Integrated yoga therapy in addition to conventional applied behavior analysis was found to be effective compared to applied behavioral analysis alone, in a small study conducted in 2010 at Ganapathi Sachchidananda, Vagdevi Centre for the Rehabilitation of Communication Impaired, Bangalore, India.   
Ayurveda treats autism as a congenital disorder of mind. Among various herbs used by Ayurveda to treat mental illnesses, Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri) has improved alterations in behavior, showed reduction in oxidative stress markers and restored histoarchitecture of cerebellum in sodium valproate induced autism in rats.
A traditional Chinese Chan-based mind-body exercise, Nei Yang Gong, was found to be comparatively better than the conventional Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) technique in enhancing the self-control of children with Autism in a randomized controlled clinical study. Other alternative therapies such as Acupuncture, Naturopathy and Homeopathy has shown promising results in the treatment of Autism.
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