Wednesday 20 August 2014

Prevent backache before it begins

It is good if you are not suffering from any backache problem. But is it not better still if you can take precautions before it takes control over you? Don’t worry; this is not an article about prediction. Back pain is a lifestyle disease and it can happen to anyone. That’s why it is better to prevent backache before it begins.
Understanding backache
Backache can be categorized into two types – Acute and chronic. Acute back pain starts suddenly and can remain for about three months. Chronic back pain stays longer, indicating serious consequences. Normally adults aged between 35 to 55 years suffer from back pain.
Risk factors for backache include physical problems such as overweight or obesity; mental problems such as stress, anxiety, depression and unhealthy habits including smoking. Heavy physical exercises can also cause backache. Backache can start because of our unbalanced physical movements - lifting something heavy improperly or moving awkwardly.
Women and backache problem
Women are prone to back pain more than men, as their regular household work includes a lot of bending and lifting. Newly pregnant women should know how to prevent back pain before it starts. Women should prepare their body before pregnancy in order to avoid back pain during pregnancy or after delivery.
Starting with easy exercises strengthen abdominal muscles, which help both belly and back. It is good to walk or ride stationary bike for 30 minutes a day. During pregnancy, women should be mindful of their movements every day and watch weight gain. This preparation helps control backache that may occur at the later stages. Back pain may also start because of kidney stones, ovary problems or tumours in spinal cord or pelvis. Immediate medical check up is necessary to diagnose the problems.
How to prevent backache before it begins

Here are a few useful methods which help you prevent backache:

  • If your work requires you to sit for hours, make sure to get up and do a short walk for a few seconds every half an hour. This reduces the stress you put on your back.
  • Regular exercise: Regular exercise keeps your body active and keeps you from becoming heavy. It helps blood circulation in the back and strengthens muscles and ligaments. Yoga can help your back strong and flexible. Take guidance from health care professionals before taking up heavy or complex physical exercises.
  • Postures: Bad postures are one of the crucial factors causing backache. Correcting your postures can prevent your backache before it begins. When standing, stand upright with your back straight, putting even weight on both feet. For sitting, use a good chair that supports your back in S curve and not C curve. Keep your knees levelled with hips, and feet flat on the ground. Have proper support for your back while driving.
  • To prevent backache before it begins, you should stop smoking. Studies say that smokers have more chances of getting a back pain than non-smokers.
  • Bigger pillows strain your neck. Use smaller ones.
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