Monday 11 August 2014

Pre-Pregnancy Counselling

Though pre- pregnancy classes are not meant for every couple, but still in many crucial circumstances some couple is subjected to pre-pregnancy counsellings. These classes become mandatory only in emergency cases, such as if the couple had undergone a miscarriage, or if one of the partners have a serious health issue. Fortunately most of the problems that arise during the pregnancy may not occur the next time. There are many important steps that a couple needs to take when planing to conceive a baby. It is very important that both partners prepare themselves both physically and emotionally for this life-enhancing event.

When should a couple attend such classes?
The below given are some of the reasons for which one should seek a appointment with a doctor for a pre-pregnancy councelling:
- If the woman is not getting pregnant inspite of repeated attempts.
- If any previous history of miscarriage or stillbirths persists.
- You or your partner was exposed to certain environmental toxins that could come in the way of conception or hamper fetal development during pregnancy.
-In case both the partners have medical problems related to the kidneys, liver or even the heart.
- If the expectant mother has disease like diabetes or other lifestyle health issues such as hypertention etc.
- Problems in consumption can occur even if the mother has undergone a major surgery in the past regarding conception or pregnancy.
- If the mother to be has fear and anxiety to deal with the pregnancy period. Or if she is ignorant regarding the changes during this time. The pre-pregnancy classes or counsellings would help the couple out in great extent.

A large number of pregnancies are unplanned - approximately a quarter in a recent study. Conceiving a baby in a haphazard manner would result a couple in missing pre-preganancy counsellings.
Obesity has now become one of the commonest risk factor which leads to infertility. Women who are having excess weight should try to control it by all possible healthy methods.

It is recommended that women after finding out they are pregnant should begin with a dietary supplementation of 150 mcg of iodine.
Cigarette smoking and over usage of drug from the paternal side would also hamper pregnancy. Increased intake of tobacco smoking is associated with sperm DNA damage at the time of conception.

It is also advised for expectant mothers that they practice to minimize exposure to all sort of drugs. Self medications should be avoided as far as possible.

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