Thursday 21 August 2014

How to be happy at stress

The basic dichotomy of life is, our goal is happiness and our journey towards it is full of stress and strain. Up in the morning, there are so many tasks to complete. There are so many challenges to take on. The very thought of all that brings stress. And throughout the day more stress adds to it, making life miserable.
However, it is possible for one to achieve all one wants without being stressful. One can take on challenges of life with a happy mindset. Here is how you can be happy at stress.
Goal and achievement
Stress is a result of unplanned life. Stress starts when there are multiple unaccomplished goals – each one dragging you towards its side and not allowing you to accomplish any. First, write down all the challenges you are going through now. Divide all of them into categories such as personal, career-related, financial, family and social. Analyse your goals on the basis of importance. Drop the unimportant and unattainable ones and keep only the key goals that are to be achieved immediately.
Break those goals down into daily, weekly and monthly basis and start working on. Even though you are doing the same work, and there is stress, you work happily because you have made your goals small and achievable.
Practice happiness
If you feel stressful always, understand that you have practiced, may be unknowingly, to be stressful. You can trace back to some past events which caused the stress in you for the first time. And you picked up the habit of being stressful even when you face small problems. But this mental state can be changed and you can learn to be always cheerful. This requires a little practice.
To practice happiness, start recognising good things in your life and drop bad ones. There is always a gift in disguise in every challenge you face. Try to recognise it and you will be happy even at stress.
Learn meditation
A simple meditation is to do a deep breathing for a few minutes. When you focus on your breathing, you immediately come to present moment. When you are in the present moment, immediately your stress subsides. Breathing relaxes the body and the mind, allowing you to think clearly. Combining meditation or breathing exercises with your regular physical exercise helps greatly and this keeps you happy during stressful situations.
One thing at a time
Make this your mantra to take up one thing at a time. Take one job at a time, and focus your full energy on it, and complete it before taking up another. The very focussing on one task keeps you happy even at stressful time.
Practice detachment
When you learn to be in the present moment, you naturally are detached from the results of your work. Sometimes you will have to practice detachment. Whatever the work you undertake, tell yourself that you do it to the best of your possibility, and that you don’t force a particular result. All results come from the cosmic operation, and not from individual’s work. Consider yourself as a contributor to the cosmic action, and relax. That’s the secret of being happy at stress.
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