Thursday 14 August 2014

Animal Food Sources

Animal food sources mostly come from animal sources such as milk, meat, eggs, cheese and yogurt. Many of us consume these products in order to build up a healthy body mass. On the other hand many individuals do not consume animal sources either because of personal choices or due to unavailability to these people.
Animals are pets and also considered to be important in our lives as they provide as with products which plays an indispensable roles in our day to day life. Animal source foods can provide a variety of micro nutrients that are difficult to obtain in adequate quantities from plant source foods alone.

Some of the widely used animal food products are as follows:
1. Cattle:
Beef and other food products such as milk, meat, butter, ghee etc are obtained from cattle. What are the beef animals giving us? They are enriched with body building flesh which is being consumed by many of us. They include ground beef, ribs, liver.
Cows are another species which in the cattle breed which provide us with nutritional products. There are immense products which are known that we obtain from cows namely, milk, cheese, cream etc. they are highly enriched with calcium and protein that proves to be very essential for bone growth and strength.
When such dairy products become deficient, these cattle breed are used for obtaining meat alone.
An inedible product named 'tallow' is extracted from the cattle which is used for preparing wax paper, crayons, paints, rubber, lubricants, some cosmetic items such as shaving creams, lipsticks etc.

2. Poultry:
Poultry meat(meat from chickens and ducks) have the highest per-capita consumption in India. They are available in the form of nuggets, sausages, roasted or fried, boneless, wings, BBQ, etc. chicken are the main sources that produce eggs. Eggs contain protein in abundance and are also made in use for baking. These days, eggs are also used for preparing vaccines and also for the production of antibodies(they fight against the disease causing pathogens which enters our body).
Some not so famous poultry animals are ducks and turkeys. Ducks lay eggs that are said to be having more of protein content than eggs laid by hen. Turkeys are used as the centerpiece at Thanksgiving in particular grand occasions.
The eggs from ducks and geese are found to be more thicker and bears a different color when compared with traditional chicken eggs.
Their feathers are used for the preparation of jackets and other accessories.

3. Sheep and Goats:
Sheep produce milk that is safe for people to drink. This milk can be made into cheese, yogurt and various other dairy products.
Apart from milk, wool is another product which we get from sheep that has high demand. They are then subjected for processing wherein wool could be converted to jackets, shirts, shawl, caps, etc.

4. Fish and Sea food:
Fish are the most healthiest animal products which could ever be consumed. They contain omega-3 fatty acids, highly beneficial for health. Intake of fish would lessen the chances of developing diseases such as cancer, heart ailment etc.

5. Bees:
Honey bees help crops grow by a process called pollination. Bees make honey from the nectar of the plants and flowers. This honey is collected later on, by the bee-keepers. The honey is then used for various purposes such as eating, making soaps and hand lotions, natural cough suppressant etc.
Bees also produce beeswax which is used to make candles, lipstick, lotions, shoe polish, crayons, chewing gum and floor wax.

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